Arrow 402: The Candidate
by Bobby Doherty @thehorndogg
Team Arrow leads off the show by fighting the Ghost in a treatment plant. Felicity wants a code name and wants Diggle to have one too. The team disables the bomb to rescue the city’s water supply. After the fight the team goes back to Arrow HQ and Oliver is worried about Speedy and her aggressiveness. He think she’s going to go over the line and kills someone. Speedy assures Oliver that she knows the limit.
We find out its Felicity’s first day back at Palmer Tech after some lovey dovey banter between her and Oliver it triggers a flashback to the Island. We find out that Oliver has to infiltrate something. We aren’t sure what you but he needs to make them trust him

Arrow — “The Candidate” — Image AR402A_0527b– Pictured (L-R): Willa Holland as Speedy and Stephen Amell as The Arrow — Photo: Katie Yu /The CW — é 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Oliver and Thea are having breakfast with some old family friends Jessica Danforth and Madison Danforth. Jessica declares that she wants to step forward and needs the Queens support. They warn her that the last 3 mayors all have been killed.
Felicity is now in the board room and we find out that the company isn’t doing good. Curtis Holt has a layoff plan. Felicity isn’t about to reducing jobs she wants to make sure Ray legacy lives on.
Thea and Oliver are now at the press conference when Jessica Danforth announces her plan to run for Mayor. Shots ring out Thea and Oliver spring into action. The shots were a distraction Oliver chases down the man who was trying to kidnap Jessica until he gets hit by a car.
Team Arrow is questioning who was person trying to kill Jessica. They figure out it’s not the Ghost because they left behind evidence. Fingerprints, Felicity runs the prints but someone has cut off their fingerprints. Oliver runs to Capt Lance and offers the team’s help to protect Jessica. Capt Lance says they don’t need a hero in the dark they need one in the light and ask Oliver what’s different now
Flashback to the island: Oliver preps himself to infiltrate the people on the island. We find out there’s more military and they are forcing villagers to harvest something.
Felicity is now in the board room alone with Curtis Holt. She start to lecture him about his algorithm. He says it’s meant to increase wages for workers but the board member made him use it to identify layoffs. Felicity has to fire her first employee. The employee that got fired puts the guilt trip on Felicity.
Laurel and Diggle are on stakeout to protect Jessica. Laurel knows something is wrong with Diggle. Diggle finally explains about H.I.V.E. Diggle tells Laurel that he believes the Ghost are H.I.V.E. Laurel can’t believe his been investigating for two years and hasn’t let anyone on the team know.
Darhk is now in a building lecturing the man who attempted the assassination of the Jessica Danforth. Machin has disappointed Darhk. Machin ask for a second chance that he’s not done. Darhk says he doesn’t know how ‘Rick Pinzolo’ runs things but there’s not going to be a third chance with H.I.V.E.
Felicity based on some evidence figures out that Machin maybe at a paper mill. Oliver and Speed start asking questions of drug dealers and homeless men. One drug dealer gets to brave and Speedy snaps his arm. Oliver sends speed home.
Back at the Lair Felicity has fixed the figure prints to identify Machin. Oliver and Speedy come back and Oliver starts in on Speedy about her going over board. Speed starts to fight Oliver and the team has to break it up. Oliver lets Thea know she’s been in the pit and everyone changes in the pit that Malcolm warned Oliver. Laurel and Diggle ask why now its been over six months and what can we do about it. Thea has left mad at Oliver for leaving her behind.
Flashback to the island Oliver is getting questioned by the military men on the island. Oliver tells them he washed up on the island. The men want to take Oliver to Reiter.
Felcity is now back at work and finds out she needs to fire two dozen more people. She flips over the page to find her new found friend Curtis Holt is on that list. Curtis says it’s okay he can now take his husband on the trip he’s always wants. Curtis makes a joke on how he kind of fired himself.
Oliver visits Jessica in her protective custody. Oliver makes plea for her to drop out of the race. She says she can’t she wants to be leader and make the city a place that her daughter wants to live. Oliver ask where Madison is and tells her to call her. Madison phone is just laying in the street with all her protection dead.
Jessica is now giving a press conference asking for her daughter back. Oliver is in the background and talks to Capt Lance about letting the team help.
Flashback to the island. Oliver is now with Reiter. Reiter recognizes Oliver. Reiter offers the job to Oliver of the man who stepped on landmine.
Dahrk is now with Machin and Dahrk is upset with the kidnapping of Madison. He said that Machin only represents Anarchy and he needs to clean up the mess. Madison is locked in a trunk in the room.
Laurel is in her apartment watching the press conference of Jessica Danforth. Thea walks in, Thea and Laurel have a conversation about what she’s feeling. Laurel ask what happened in the pit. Thea explains that RA’ killed her and that the pit was used to bring her back.
Capt Lance is now letting Dahrk know he’s out and wants to know where Madison Danforth is. Dahrk lets Lance know that Madison isn’t the only vulnerable daughter in the city. Dahrk is upset with Lance but gives him the location of Madison.
Oliver and Felicity are now questioning whether it was a good idea to comeback or not. Oliver says they just need time to figure out to make everything different. Conversation is broken up by a phone call. Lance gives them the location Madison and lets Oliver know it’s time to prove its different.
Machin now has Madison strung up. Machin opens up a torture chest. Team Arrow with a dramatic drop in from the roof. Laurel and Diggle escape with Madison as Oliver and Speedy search for Machin. Machin gets the drop on speedy and electrocutes her. Machin and Oliver have a fight and Machin puts Oliver down. Speedy is back up and pissed. She catches him on fire. Oliver shoots an arrow into the fire system to attempt to save him.
We have a mother daughter reunion back at the police station. The press wants a statement Jessica lets Oliver know that she’s going to make a statement that she’s dropping out of the race. Capt Lance is now talking to Oliver about the him being different. That he’s now burning people alive instead of just putting arrows into him. Lance lets him know that if Machin dies Oliver will be charged with murder.
Flashback to the island. Oliver is now overseeing the harvest of a blue flower. He’s being really hard on the workers.
Felcity is now back in the board room letting them know that she’s hired everyone back and that Ray would have never agreed to the reduction. Curtis walks in and Felicity says Curtis can’t do his project with a reduced force. The board ask what is this revolutionary project. They dont let out what the project is but it needs to be read in 6 months for the shareholders meetings. We find out that there is no project.
Oliver is now at the apartment of Thea and Laurel assuring Thea they will work through this together. Laurel suggest that they get out of town on spa trip. Oliver agrees it’s a good idea. Once Oliver leaves Laurel tells Thea the real plan. They are going to see if the league can fix what is wrong with her. The reason they didn’t tell Oliver is because they have another reason to go.
Anarchy on the way to hospital broke out and killed everyone on the ambulance. He left a bloody Anarchy symbol on the wall.
Oliver and Felicity are back in the apartment and Oliver says he’s running for mayor.
Laurel and Thea are at the grave of Sarah and are digging her up….
To find out my thoughts on the show please tune into DC on CW where my co-hosts Ryan Denton, Angelica Dawn and I will review The Flash, Arrow and eventually Legends of Tomorrow. If you enjoy my writing come over to the show and listen. We are DC on CW/
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