The Flash 201: The Man Who Saved Central City
By Bobby Doherty @thehorndogg
Show opens up with Barry fighting Captain Cold and Heat Wave on the top of a parking garage. It’s a two on one fight then Firestorm joins the fight. After victorious the heros return back to the lab where everyone is there to greet them, including a Dr Wells who is still in the wheelchair. Wells stands up and tells Barry “He’s ready to do all of this on his own”. The scene then turns to Barry inside the lab by himself and a computer goes off and Barry suits up leading into the new intro for season 2. We find out from the new opening that 6 months has passed and Barry is own his own. He chooses to work alone to keep the people he loves safe. During the opening we find out its Flash Day.
Barry and Joe are at a crime scene for a murdered welder at the nuclear plant. Barry lets Joe know that he was killed by someone very strong and very large. Joe ask Barry if it’s Grood. Joe asks Barry if he’s going to Flash day. Barry doesn’t want the attention. He believes he doesn’t deserve it. While Barry leaves the crime scene a man photographs him from afar.
Joe is now back at the precinct and they now have a metahuman task force and the technical expert is Cisco. Cisco is working on a boot to take down metahumans. During a conversation between Cisco, Joe and Iris who just walked in, we find out that Caitlin is working at Mercury Labs and no one has really been with Barry in the past 6 months. Joe tells Iris she should try to get Barry to come to Flash Day. Cisco wants everyone to get a key because technically they were all part of team Flash.
Iris finds Barry at the coffee shop and we find out that Barry has been rebuilding businesses destroyed by the singularity at night. Iris wants to do a story about it but Barry says no. Iris lets Barry know that everyone wants to see the Flash because he’s the man who saved central city. Barry says he didn’t save it and she should know better then anyone.
Barry flashes back to six months earlier and it shows him racing into the singularity. Flash and Firestorm together are able to stop the singularity the explosion resulting from it closing causes an explosion that splits Ronne and the professor. Flash races down the building with the professor Ronnie is nowhere to be found.
Joe and Cisco are now at Flash Day, they see Caitlin across the way. The Mayor is giving a speech about the Flash and as we scan the crowd we see characters from the show. While the speech is going on a man is pushing his way through the crowd. Barry arrives to get the key to the city. While on stage Barry saves the mayor from a flying hotdog cart. The man from the crowd takes off his jacket and starts to attack Barry and the police. Cisco starts to have a ‘vibe’ moment where he can see the different time lines. Cisco runs and gives Joe the boot and it just causes the man to get larger. Barry gets some propane tanks and tells Joe to shoot when he throws. The explosion causes Barry to get some shrapnel and the man to shrink down to his previous size. The man’s helmet comes off to reveal he’s the dead welder earlier in the show.

The Flash — “The Man Who Saved Central City” — Image FLA201c_0042b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Dominic Purcell as Heat Wave and Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold — Photo: Cate Cameron /The CW — é 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Cisco is now doing research on the dead welder. The welder is still in the morgue and we find out that the man was nowhere near the city when the accelerator exploded. Joe questions Cisco about his ‘vibe’ moment. Iris interrupts the conversation to ask if they had anything to do with a bunch of equipment failures at the hospital at the time of the attack. Iris and Joe talk about how Barry can’t do this alone.
Cisco visits Caitlin at her new job and tries to suck her back into the metahuman chase. After some reluctance Caitlin finally agrees to help.
Barry is now at his lab and he learns that he’s going to lose Star Labs which he’s taken over after Dr Wells has left. The lawyer said the only way for him to keep it is to watch a message left by Dr Wells on a flash drive. Barry refuses and throws the drive down on his desk. Barry computer goes off that there is an break in at Star Labs. Barry runs to find that Team Flash(minus Caitlin) is back together working the case. Barry wants them to leave. The team figures out where ‘the atom smasher’ is. Barry runs to the location and intentionally leaves his com system behind so they can’t talk to him.
The Atom Smasher is sucking up all the energy from the nuclear material that’s there. Barry attack fails and Atom starts to grow and slam him into the wall. Team Flash has tapped into cameras at the location and set the alarm off to distract Atom so Barry can get away. Barry runs back to lab where he collapses. Barry flashes back to when he first moved in with Joe. Barry wakes up in the hospital bed and Joe lets Barry know that everyone chose to help him. That instead of rebuilding the city rebuild the things that really matter.
Barry is now in Caitlin’s lab and lets her know that he’s not the hero that Ronnie is. Caitlin says the blame is all her because she didn’t leave when Ronnie wanted to run away. Caitlin had to leave Star Labs because it reminded her of how she chose the Lab over Ronnie. Barry while removing a handkerchief from his pocket drops the flash drive from Dr Wells. Caitlin says they should watch it together. They plug it into the computer.
Dr Wells says no matter what Barry will never be happy but he’s going to give him one last thing. Dr Wells confesses to killing Barry’s mother. Barry calls Joe and wants everyone to meet at STAR Labs.
Now the team is in the lab and the video looks to be enough to free Barry’s father. Barry now with all the team on board comes up with a plan to take down Atom. Barry has a bat signal now and it get Atoms attention. Barry runs Atom into a nuclear plant where they OD Atom on radiation. Atom can absorb it all. It shrinks him back to a normal man. Barry asks why did you want to kill me. Atom said He promised he would take me home if I killed you. Barry ask who? Zoom…..
Show ends with Barry’s dad getting out of jail and a welcome home party with Team Flash. Barry’s dad is skipping town. Team Flash is in the lab and we see the new suit and hear about all the upgrades to the Lab. They say people can’t walk in and out of the Lab. Just as thats said we are introduced to Jay Garrick and he lets them know their world isn’t safe.
Normally this is where I review the show with all wisecracks and what I thought was wrong. Well, you won’t get that here I have to save that for my show. You will get my weekly shows where my co-hosts Ryan Denton, Angelica Dawn and I will review The Flash, Arrow and eventually Legends of Tomorrow. If you enjoy my writing come over to the show and listen. We are DC on CW and we are coming.
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