Rain Man: 11/07/15 Terrestrial Show (Bonus Hour)

Today on the show:

  • Michael goes on an epic rant about his appearance and how he hates the way he looks.
  • Michael gets drunk at a family wedding in El Paso and has lots of funny stories. Michael says that his mother is the Brian Williams of parenting.
  • The people of Juarez have been brainwashed to all believe that the city is no longer a deadly city.
  • Michael talks about how much he hates Halloween.
  • The Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume makes Halloween a bit better for Michael.
  • Tony says that he want to dress as Lamar Odom and just walk around with a bag of cocaine and fall down on the ground dead.
  • Donald Trump continues to entertain with his over the top speeches that don’t make sense.
