Rain Man: 05/24/16 Uncensored Show

Today on the show:

  • Michael starts the show off with some more Khaleesi and GoT talk.
  • Andrew’s interruptions have finally come to a head. Michael blows up on how Andrew continues to talk under the rest of the hosts.
  • Bobby from DC on CW is our own personal Mr. Skin. He manages to find all of the scandalous photos from celebrities that were deleted.
    • Willa Holland from Arrow has an entire stash of deleted racy Instagram photos and we’ve got them thanks to Bobby.
  • News Anchor calls Bills Cosby Bill Clinton during a news report pertaining to the sexual allegations.
  • Godaddy continues to suck with customer service.
  • Florida sex scandal consumes the country. A young girl has sex with with multiple guys in a school bathrooms.
  • Hillbilly woman pretends to be pregnant and fakes an abortion by chopping up a dog and using the blood.
  • Plus news with Andrew.
