What should be the first Suicide Squad Spin-off?


Now that Suicide Squad has been released to the masses, there’s one question we should all be asking ourselves: Who should get a spin-off?!

Harley and Deadshot are the obvious choices, and while they deserve it, this was already their movie.
I can’t even fault the filmmakers for that, there are so many characters and the focus has to lie somewhere. Will Smith and Margot Robbie gave us performances worthy of the spotlight in Suicide Squad, and I have no doubts we’ll see them again in the future.


I’m a fan of Katana, but she’s a character of few words and she didn’t add much to the story. The costume was great, acting was fine, but there wasn’t enough substance. Slipknot wasn’t in the movie long enough to even care about, he was literally a plot device. Killer Croc was almost what I wanted, but many argue that he was reduced to being defined by being “the black character.” Rick Flagg was Rick Flagg. Typical tough soldier personality, nothing we haven’t seen in movies before and nothing I’m really itching to see again in lieu of a more unique character.


Cara Delavigne’s Enchantress ended up being the surprise baddy of the movie, so I think it’s safe to say that she’s out for future spin-offs… and given the direction they went with her, I’m not sure how much more we really need to see of June Moone’s initial struggle with her new body-buddy. I enjoyed the emotional connection to El Diablo and the tragic beginnings to his pacifism, but they really fleshed out his story, and he was pretty meek for most of the movie. I’m not so sure he’s leading man material.


We’re left with with George ‘Digger’ Harkness, AKA Captain Boomerang, the smart-mouthed, Aussie thief. Suicide Squad turned Boomerang from a racist, sexist loud-mouth, to a lovable jerk. He may be an asshole, but he’s THEIR asshole. He stayed a bit outside the group dynamic for much of the movie, as is his tendency, but the other characters didn’t outright hate him. Jai Courtney’s Boomerang is attention-grabbing, tough, and funny, with a devil-may-care attitude… but even more promising than the character’s personality are the prospects for storylines and cameos.


Think of the possibilities! Bank robberies, heists, Rogues Gallery and Flash cameos! Are you imagining it? Good. We already know he doesn’t play well with others, so there’s room for character development there, plus some back story on how he develops his boomerang arsenal. Given that he’s already a part of the “Skwad,” exploring a variation of the storyline involving his friendship with, and subsequent death of Mirror Master could be really cool. I know the Rogues Gallery tend to be cheesy in nature, but hear me out, an updated take on Mirror Master has some potential!

Let’s get real, though. We all know the biggest reason Captain Boomerang needs a spin-off: We need to know more about that pink unicorn!