The Cinematography of Hap and Leonard
Despite television and film being predominantly a visual medium, often times the visual aspects goes without notice. It’s odd to think that something as important as cinematography usually doesn’t get as much accolades as maybe the acting or even the writing. When a television production utilizes all aspects of the filmmaking trade/craft you end up getting a beautiful and complete story. Using light to help shape the emotions overtly and subconsciously is vital if the production hopes to create a viable and realistic atmosphere. This is something DOP Joseph E. Gallagher (Deadwood, Vegas, Bosch) accomplishes with each new episode of Hap and Leonard. The meshing of a well crafted story and aesthetically gorgeous cinematography can aid in creating the perfect story.
RELATED: 5 Reasons You Should Be Watching Hap and Leonard
If you still have not jumped on the bandwagon–you better! You can stream the first season right now on Netflix and the first two episodes of season 2 are available to watch on SundanceTV’s site.
Below I’ve posted a few of my favorite shots taken from Hap and Leonard season 2 episode 3 ‘Holy Mojo’.
The Cinematography of Hap and Leonard – Season 2 Ep. 3 ‘Holy Mojo’
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