The seven-match card features three titles being defended and two matchings in the Cell. It all goes down live from Detriot, Michigan, on Sunday beginning at 8 p.m. ET on the WWE network. Here are Greg Holmes, Ryan Denton and Bobby Doherty’s predictions on the No Mercy Pay-Per-View.
WWE Hell in the Cell Predictions:
Kick Off Show- American Alpha 2.0 vs Hype Bros
Greg: I see Gable and Benjamin coming out with a win. I think Ryder is gonna turn on Mojo due to their recent losing streak.
Ryan: Gable and Benjamin win hands down to get over, and Ryder and mojo mess up or hit each other on accident and lose and boom feud
Bobby: American Alph 2.0 wins when Ryder quits the match because he’s not hyped.
Greg: He just can’t stay hyped lol
Ryan: Or he quits cause he blew it with Emma
Greg: Here is your moment of Emma.
Randy Orton vs Rusev 
R: Hmm Orton wins, this should be a good match. Only way Rusev wins is with outside interference from Aiden English
G: I see this as a very physical match with some brutality to it hopefully. I wanna go with Rusev for the win as I’d like to see him move on to a possible title shot somewhere.
B: Russev wins. Orton is due for a heal turn. Need something to set him off
Dolph Ziggler vs Bobby Roode
G: I see the Ziggler/Roode match as a showoff match, it has the possibility to steal the show. While I wanna go with Ziggler, I’m picking Roode for a GLORIOUS win!
B: I want Ziggler to win because I don’t want him to be the gatekeeper for NXT talent to the WWE. But Roode takes it
G: I think they’d make a great tag team. A GLORIOUS tag team if you will hahaha.
R: I want a glorious win too, Ziggler will steal the entrance though
Smackdown Woman’s Championship – Natalya(C) vs Charlotte
G: I see this as hopefully a class is much like their match in NXT. As for a winner, I think Charlotte will get the win but wouldn’t be surprised if Carmella chase in at some point in the match.
B: Think it’s cash in time for Carmella. She steals the belt
R: This will def be the time Carmella cashed in, and I think she fails at the cash in
G: Ellsworth steals the belt and is the new women’s champion.
Smackdown Tag Team Championship in Hell in the Cell – New Day(C) vs Usos

G: I see this as crazy spots and very physical. Someone is gonna fly off the top of the cell. I think New Day will retain.
R: Yeah top of the cell will be utilized, it will def be physical! I say new day retains
B: Think the USO’s winning pushing them more as heels esp since it’s the cell. USO Penitentiary
WWE Championship – Jinder Mahal(C) vs Shinsuke Nakamura
G: I think they’ll have Mahal retain even though I’d like Nakamura to win the title. I think Mahal is one of their top heels here in the US.
B: I see Nakamura winning with mahal regaining it in India in December. I figure November is Survivor Series. Raw vs Smackdown traditional survivor series matches which will keep the title off the card for that PPV
R: I agree with Bobby, Nakamura wins the title and then loses to Mahal in India. It would be a shame for them to make him lose and not retain in his home Country.
G: True true. It’ll be an interesting Match
WWE United States Championship – AJ Styles(C) vs Baron Corbin

G: Styles retains. I don’t like Corbin at all.
B: No chance for Corbin. Perfect 10 gets involved somehow. AJ retains
R: Yeah Corbin gets destroyed and Tye costs him the loss
G: Or Tye gets added to the match and wins hahahahaha
B: 10 10 10 10
Hell in the Cell – Shane McMahon vs Kevin Owens
G: This is gonna be brutal, I don’t know who I can see winning but I’m gonna pick Owens.
R: This is literally going to be spot after spot, Shane does the corner to corner kick for sure…Owens wins
B: I want a Owen’s squash….Shane off the cage. Shame thru the cage. Brutal beating by Owens with Sami/Bryan playing the role of Terry Funk. Trying to get Shane to stop…pop up powerbomb on the stairs for the win
G: Agreed. Well, Gentlemen, we have our picks and with that one more moment of Emma
R: Holy good god
B: What’s she drinking?