From The Bacta Tank: George Lucas’ original Star Wars vision, the Whills and Solo bonus features

George Lucas reveals his plans for episodes 7-9 and it sounds…

From the Bacta Tank is a fan broadcast designed for open discussions on the latest Star Wars news and rumors. Also, there is a special Star Wars Rebels Edition, where the hosts discuss and breakdown the current episodes of the hit television show from Disney XD and Lucasfilm. Additionally, the hosts offer special Patreon exclusive broadcast starting in June.

In this episode we delve deep into George Lucas’ original plans for Star Wars, including his plans for episodes 7-9. 

Additional topics: 

  • You’re not a Star Wars fan if you hate everything but the original trilogy
  • Kevin Feige should not take over the Star Wars franchise
  • First details on the Solo: A Star Wars Storyblu-ray revealed
  • Ron Howard shares his thoughts on the Solo box office performance
  • Hasbro reveals new vintage collection Doctor Aphra comic SDCC exclusive
  • New Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game is coming in 2019
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