And you better not say it in front of him either. No, not that F word. The word “freak”
During Saturday’s interviews with Bruce for the revived show, Ripley’s Believe It or Not someone from the press said the word during the interview. Mr. Campbell was quick to respond, “Whoa! We don’t use the F word around here, we use the word extraordinary… There are those out there who are extraordinary, who are excelling. There’s no eww factor. Even that guy who wants to turn himself into a parrot. Knock yourself out pal. Live free or die.”

Bruce went on to explain his role as an executive producer and the host is to make sure it is not a snarky tone. We know he can do snark all day, but he makes it his mission to shed a positive light. “You have to pay respect to those who overcome some real
I for one think he’s doing a fantastic job of that and can’t wait to see the show.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! airs Sundays at 9 pm ET/PT on Travel Channel