Ghost Adventures at SDCC 2019
At this year’s San Diego Comic-Con I had the opportunity to sit down and have a bit of storytime with the guys from Ghost Adventures. I was joined by Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, and Jay Wasley (unfortunately Zak Bagans wasn’t able to attend). As the cast went through their personal experiences and stories I found myself asking the same thing, “Why is this scary?” I am in no way saying what they feel isn’t real or
Aaron: “The Fear” is why am I so dumb? And I shouldn’t have done this… and then all of a sudden it happens and you’re so scared you’re like, “Whoa that was awesome! Should I do that again…? NO.” But you do. It’s like fighting a UFC fighter when you don’t know how to fight.
Billy: Fear’s different for me than him. It is the feeling of… once you get to that point or maybe you’ve invited a spirit in and you’re trying to get evidence so maybe you open yourself up a little too much. Then you know you have that feeling where you know that something is there with you then the real fear sets in. Like what COULD happen? Could they stop my heart? Could it cause me to have an aneurism? Who knows? We don’t know because it’s the unknown. We don’t know what a spirit could really do to you.
Jay: I think that it’s such an archaic thought… in like the human psyche is what happens after we die. It’s such a fear that I don’t care who you are, you say you’re not, but everybody has that fear of the unknown and what’s gonna happen. We face that directly all the time and explore it. So there’s that fear as well. Then there’s what Billy was saying, the fear of… you know you see things, you something lift up and go flying across the room. That’s pretty scary. When something grabs you and pulls you backwards and there’s nothing there, That’s scary.
Billy: Or a door slams or something pulled on your shirt
Jay: There’s things beyond our reality. There’s things outside of our perception of reality that do exist and we don’t fully know what they are doing and what it all is, but you we are lucky enough to explore that and research it. You know it’s always evolving always learning new stuff. But, it’s scary.
I really feel like Billy and Jay put it into perspective. It doesn’t matter if you believe in ghost or not. The fact is they face the unknown. That’s enough to turn the bravest person’s hair white… at least from the stress of it all.

Tune in to the newest season of Ghost Adventures where they’ll visit the Conjuring House and even dive into the minds of some of the most notorious serial killers. Episodes air every Saturday at 9/8c on the Travel Channel.