Star Trek: Discovery – Discussion / Review
Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing all things Star Trek.
This week Mike and Dave discuss Star Trek: Discovery 3.13 ‘That Hope Is You, PT. 2’.
Topics Discussed:
- For the most part, it was a strong season. There was a bit of a dip in the quality of writing toward the end; but overall, I feel like this season is a win for the producers of Discovery.
- So what does this season amount to? Well, in retrospect, it was all about putting Burnham in the captain’s chair.
- I really disliked Admiral Vance’s conversation with Burnham at the end of the episode — Essentially saying that he was wrong. You took away a learning moment by not making it a learning moment because she was apparently in the right.
- There’s no consequences and because of that I don’t feel like the character were ever put in peril.
- LACK OF RESOLVE. What happened with Adira? What happened with Detmer? You don’t leave things like that open ended.
- Overall, the season was a success with some bumps.
- And more.