Star Trek: Discovery – Discussion / Review
Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing all things Star Trek.
This week Mike and Dave discuss Star Trek: Discovery 4.13 ‘Coming Home’.
Topics Discussed:
- Overall, I’d consider the season a success. There were some highs and some lows — BUT mostly highs
- Clear and focus intent with proper motivation for most of the season
- The season benefited from the serial/hybrid formula — which made room for one-off style episodes that had it’s own narrative closure while also pushing the season myth-arc forward
- I will also say, that this season has proven it’s intellectual prowess. It’s analytical approach to problem solving in the context of its story
- That being said, in my humble opinion, It seems like Discovery needs to introduce an element that allows a feeling of continuance
- And more
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