From the Holodeck: Star Trek: Picard Edition – 1.1 ‘Remembrance’ Breakdown

Star Trek: Picard ‘Remembrance’

Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing all things Star Trek. 

This week Mike and Dave discuss the latest Star Trek: Picard 1.1 ‘Remembrance’. 

  • There has been a lot of speculation about this series; how will they handle the obvious Kelvin Timeline connection because of the Romulan supernova, how will the aftermath of Nemesis factor in?
  • It seems like for now, (which is smart), Chabon, Kurtzman and Goldsman — have carefully brush passed Spock’s involvement and the impending split timeline that follows.
  • The way the episode started — moving towards Enterprise D and into 10-Forward. The essentially picking up where the TV series had ended with a poker game.
  • Picard’s disappointment with Starfleet’s decision is what ultimately pushed him out.It looks like synthetics will be used as a way to explore a thematic side of the series. The Federation has become increasingly isolationist.
  • We move into some deep TNG history — this aspect was DEEP CUT. The name BRUCE MADDOX; which if memory serves me, was a bit of an asshole.
  • and more!

This month’s featured item is Looney Labs Star Trek Chrono-Trek Card Game


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