From The Holodeck: Discovery Edition – 3.11 ‘Su’Kal’ [Discussion]

Star Trek: Discovery – Discussion / Review

Star Trek: From the Holodeck is a fan broadcast dedicated to breaking down, analyzing and discussing all things Star Trek. 

This week Mike and Dave discuss Star Trek: Discovery 3.11 ‘Su’Kal’.

Topics Discussed:

  • After removing Georgiou from the story, the writers take us back to the immediate threats of the season.
  • Side note– is it just me, or is everyone on board Discovery this season extremely emotional? Seems like professionalism doesn’t exist on Discovery.
  • They should pull back a bit on the melodrama. Melodrama can tend to over-sensationalize emotions in a way that sometimes detracts or derail more complex detailed characterizations.
  • ‘Su’Kal’ is an episode that falls into an area that typically and traditionally is a difficult place to be when writing an episode of television, as the episode before the penultimate episode, can be difficult.
  • Having the Georgiou episodes where they were, does throw things off a bit and because of how it was structured, this episode does suffer a bit.
  • The strength of this episode was 100% Tilly. You can always tell when writers favor certain characters over others…and whether they are aware of it or not, they favor Tilly.
  • Saru abandoned his post and his ship was captured. Our characters are making poor decisions.
  • And more.

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