All the Supernatural: The Crossroads Patreon & Free content coming this month
Free = (F) Patreon = (P)
Besides the weekly free broadcasts, Rain Man Digital also offers a premium service. The premium service includes video content and dozens of additional exclusive shows. Gain access by subscribing to a tier with the content that you want more of and you instantly become a subscriber. For the free show head over to our main page.
- Month of Ryan: Hot or Not (F)
- Month of Ryan: RPG – Gameplay Session #6 ‘The Empty Skies’ (F)
- Supernatural Prequel Announcement Discussion (F)
- ‘The Boys’ Season 2 Updates (F)
- 10 Minutes at The Crossroads – Unscripted ‘Supernatural’ moments (P)
The Cinematography of Supernatural $2.00
- Interpretative Discussion: Abandon All Hope Pt. 2
- Access to every single The Crossroads Pre-Shows
- 4-6 Episodes (10-20 minutes each)
- The Crossroads Bonus Cast: Rising Son #5 (P)
- The Crossroads Videocast: 2.19 ‘Folsom Prison Blues (P)
- The Crossroads Videocast: The Importance Narrative Plants (P)
Get Gifted Plus Live Video Access
- Live Video Access to various shows throughout the month (P)
- Plus you recieve the shows early (in video format) before they go on-demand. Sometimes 2-3 weeks early!
**These are just the Supernatural related content that is associated with each tier but you get additional geektastic and comedy content within each option.