Rain Man: 08/29/15 Terrestrial Show

Today on the show:
Brian Smith visits the show and is paranoid about cussing. He’s not sure what he can and can not say during the terrestrial broadcast.
Michael bitches about the Ibuild app and how they are constantly having issues with the company that put together the Rain Man Digital App.
Michael talks about how comical the television show ‘Ancient Aliens” is and how they can spin almost any story into having an alien connection.
After reviewing his Periscope broadcast, Michael has decided that Big Boo from OITNB looks a lot like him and he will no longer do video broadcasts because he hates the way he looks.
Youtube stars can be very obnoxious.
Caitlyn Jenner tries to talk in girl voice and fails. This leads to everyone in studio trying see if their girl voice is better than Jenner’s.
Michael mocks Pat Robertson.
Michael rants about all the hypocrites pointing fingers at the Ashley Madison users and not at the hackers and news organizations that released people’s personal information.

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