Marvel on RMD

Marvel on RMD is a fan show dedicated to all things Marvel comics related. Episode content includes: topic driven discussions, movie reviews, television breakdowns, games and more.

Hosted ByBobby Doherty, Lauren Alexander, Paul Ochs

All Episodes

Moon Knight 1.03 ‘The Friendly Type’ [Discussion / Review]

Welcome to Marvel on RMD — In this episode, we breakdown...

Moon Knight 1.02 ‘Summon Suit’ [Discussion / Review]

Welcome to Marvel on RMD — In this episode, we breakdown...

Moon Knight 1.01 ‘The Goldfish Problem’ [Discussion / Review]

Welcome to Marvel on RMD — In this episode, we breakdown...

Loki 1.06 ‘For All Time. Always’ [Discussion / Review]

Loki 1.05 ‘Journey Into Mystery’ [Discussion / Review]

Loki 1.04 ‘The Nexus Event’ [Discussion / Review]

Loki 1.03 ‘Lamentis’ [Discussion / Review]

Loki 1.02 ‘The Variant’ [Discussion / Review]

Loki 1.01 ‘Glorious Purpose’ [Discussion / Review]