Rain Man Show

Rain Man: 07/06/16 Uncensored

This week on Rain Man: There is something weird going on with Michael’s mouth. He already hates the new video elements of the shows because he’s noticing all his physical flaws.  General Motors will make a car that sets an idiot alarm if you leave your kid in the car. Michael reads an email from…

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Rain Man: 06/21/16 Uncensored

This week on Rain Man: Michael gets angry about the weather and the people that turn stupid as the heat increases. Spontaneous human combustion is a real thing and has the show perplexed. Michael clarifies his Isis sympathizer comments. The hosts discuss the two-year-old that was killed at Disney World by the Alligator. Stupid journalists…

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Rain Man: 06/14/16 Uncensored

This week on Rain Man: Michael talks about his growth. He recently found out that he has gained a couple inches in show size. Andrew takes the show into the vortex when he talks about his denim hobby. Mel Gibson plans to make a sequel to The Passion of the Christ and Michael reminds everyone…

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Rain Man: 06/14/16 Uncensored

This week on Rain Man: Michael talks about his growth. He recently found out that he has gained a couple inches in show size. Andrew takes the show into the vortex when he talks about his denim hobby. Mel Gibson plans to make a sequel to The Passion of the Christ and Michael reminds everyone how righteous…

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Rain Man Show: “If you pledge allegiance to Isis and you live in America you should be deported”

This week on the Rain Man Show Michael Flores took a break from the regular silly banter of the show to talk about the Orlando shooting. During Tuesday’s show Michael had a few choice words for folks that support Isis. “We’re a country built on immigrants — and I will always believe in that — but you…

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Rain Man: 06/14/16

This week on Rain Man: Michael delves briefly into the Orlando shooting and says that all Isis sympathizers should be immediately departed regardless of citizenship. We poke fun of Donald Trump saying that guns in night clubs could have prevented the recent massacre. Marking yourself as safe on Facebook is just silly and a bit…

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Rain Man: 06/14/16

This week on Rain Man: Michael delves briefly into the Orlando shooting and says that all Isis sympathizers should be immediately departed regardless of citizenship. We poke fun of Donald Trump saying that guns in night clubs could have prevented the recent massacre. Marking your self as safe on Facebook is just silly and a…

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Rain Man: 05/24/16 Uncensored Show

Today on the show: Michael starts the show off with some more Khaleesi and GoT talk. Andrew’s interruptions have finally come to a head. Michael blows up on how Andrew continues to talk under the rest of the hosts. Bobby from DC on CW is our own personal Mr. Skin. He manages to find all…

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Rain Man: 05/24/16 Uncensored Show

Today on the show: Michael starts the show off with some more Khaleesi and GoT talk. Andrew’s interruptions have finally come to a head. Michael blows up on how Andrew continues to talk under the rest of the hosts. Bobby from DC on CW is our own personal Mr. Skin. He manages to find all…

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Rain Man: 05/17/16 Uncensored Show

Today on the show: The Rain Man Show celebrates two years on the air. Today is the weigh in challenge between Mike and Thomas. Who can lose 30 lbs in 90 days. The Andrew VortexGate cheating continues to baffle the RMD audience. Special unreleased White Zombie track Scarecrow #2 Siri plays the most racist gangster…

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